This was given as a reward for purchasing the dinosaur-themed Spin-Off theHunter: Primal in its first month after release.

Sawed-Off Shotgun: The "Primal" pump-action shotgun is an aesthetic variant of the regular shotgun and is modeled to look like a compact combat shotgun.Present Day: The game takes place in the Present Day.Patchwork Map: The hunting reserves are situated on archipelago with various biomes from Arctic to Australian desert & rainforest.Ornamental Weapon: Almost all weapons have some sort of aesthetically enhanced skin, mostly either engravings, pearl grips, or gold plated barrels.No Scope: All weapons that can have a scope equipped can obviously be fired without one.No "Arc" in "Archery": Averted, arrows from all bows and crossbows are affected by gravity.Unbreakable Weapons: Weapons do not require maintenance.Infinite Supplies: Averted, players must buy consumable equipment and ammunition from the store using either in-game currency (called gm$) acquired from missions and harvesting animals, with premium currency(called em$), or by purchasing a membership to get free standard ammo replenishments after every hunt.Do Not Run with a Gun: Players walk while aiming, but cannot run.Boom, Headshot!: Hitting the brain will always kill an animal, but with many animals, the brain only takes up a small volume of the overall skull, so if one does not know the exact location of the brain, one can easily miss and only damage bone, causing the animal to flee.
Annoying Arrows: Averted for the most part, but very large game such as bison and water buffalo require expert aim in order to be brought down with bows or crossbows, as anything less than a heartshot, brainshot, or spine-shot may result in the player having to track the wounded animal down over long distances.Animals Lack Attributes: most animals in the game have no genitals, except bison, water buffalo & banteng.Not to be confused with The Hunter: Call of the Wild, a game by the same company.

The game is known for being one of the most realistic hunting games and is available on Steam and their own website. The Hunter Classic (Stylized as theHunter Classic and originally just known as theHunter) is a free to play First-Person Shooter hunting Simulation Game developed by Avalanche Studios in 2009 and has been regularly updated since.